Construction, Inc.

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These are some of the various projects
Terawatt Construction, Inc. has completed. 


 Sweetwater Farms,
35 Kilowatt Solar Array, Hinkley, Ca
Installed in 2005 by Terawatt Construction, Inc.


6 Kilowatt Solar Array Residential
Hinkley, Ca

100 Kilowatt Solar Array
The Dutch Dairy, Helendale, Ca

Portable Solar Street Light

4 Kilowatt Solar Carport 2012
Boron, Ca


50 Kilowatt Fuel Cell Project
Fort Irwin, Ca 2012

Installation of 10 Plug Power Fuel Cells Off-Grid System


Other projects include:

32kW solar system and a Co-generation system for
Ethan Allen, Inc., a major furniture manufacturer

Two 100kW solar systems for B&E Dairy, Barstow, Ca

100kW solar system for The Dutch Dairy, Helendale, Ca

42kW solar system for
Kramer Services, Kramer Junction, Ca  

And various other solar projects around Southern California, grid tied and off grid with
battery storage systems.

Three 60kW co-generators for The Atrium Hotel, Irvine, Ca
Take a look at the link below to read the article by Distributed Energy on this project.









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